Passive preamp and biamping

I have passive preamp and like the sound but need to turn volume to 1;00 to get sufficient volume.Would it improve if i biamp or would it not because cd player does not have enough gain.Thank You.
So long as you can easily attain the listening level that you are seeking and it is clean, don't worry about where the volume control is set. If you had to turn an active preamp up to that level all the time, i might be slightly concerned. With a passive, it is not abnormal.

As to bi-amping with a passive, that could get REAL interesting in terms of impedances, drive levels, etc... Sean
Why is having to turn it up to 1:00 a problem?

Anyway, biamping will not change things too much but will actually lower the volume. Probably not enough to notice though. The gain of the amps would have to be the same to keep things balanced. So in that respect, the volume would stay the same. However, the input impedance of the second amp will be in parallel with the first. This will put a bigger load on the preamp and lower the volume. But probably not by much. Unless you use an active crossover that will act as a buffer and might actually increase the volume depending on the gain of the crossover.
Just to emphasis a valid point already made twice, with a passive preamp you're just throwing some of the signal away (letting it go to ground without going through the power amp) and throwing less of it away, or even none of it, can't possibly be a bad thing. In a series stepped attenuator, a high setting puts the "hot" signal through less solder joints than a lower setting, but does the opposite with the part of the signal that's getting thrown away. So maybe a higher setting is better, though I don't know enough to say. Moral: don't use a series stepped attenuator in a passive: it saves money but hurts transparency and detail badly, in comparison with a ladder type stepped attenuator or a shunt type. IMHO.