Passive preamp recommendation to my system

I am looking for advice for choosing the matching passive or active preamp for my system...My amp is Krell Ksa 100s and my cd/dvd player is Lexicon RT20 and my speakers are Jm labs Alcor...Please room is about the same size as 2 car garage. My buget is 1000 or less...
That should be NO problem in and of itself with just about any cable maker. I think Anthony (Clio9) main concern is the input impedance of the KRELL, if it is 47kohm, that should be fine and the output impedance of CD/DVD player. If you want to try a decent active tube linestage at your price point, you may want to look at the Decware CSP2+ or the Mapletree Audio. I thought the Mapletree was extremely good compared with the Lamm/CAT/Joule preamps I owned - it certainly did not embarass itself, though not in their league visually, it is a small, handmade product, but desinged by a retired Professor of electrical engineering in Canada that knows a bit about circuits:)
I think it would work, but I also prefer passives with tube amps over SS as a general rule. With a Krell amp it might not be ideal, to say that passives in general are a waste of time of money -- well I don't know what to do that, not my experience at all, but they are all so cheap that most anyone can try it and decide for themselves, though I would advise a tube amp with 100kohm input impedance, I think the system benefits from tubes in the chain, expecially with a passive - at least for my taste.
Promitheus Audio is in your price range. Not as sophisticated as the Bent units and no remote control. Did have some trouble a while back with keeping up to orders after losing some employees but that should be better now.