PassX-250 vs PassX-350

I have the X-150. I'm looking to upgrade. I love the 150 but I want more power. Is it worth it to spend the extra loot on the 350,or is the 250 a close sonic match? Also how will those amps match up with a BAT tube preamp? I appreciate any help or suggestions.
Great info Nutella- Thanks for the clear definition.

..."all the X series amps are extremely dynamic, with very listenable top ends that are not forward or bright, and are very quick and responsive to musical transients."

I could NOT agree with this statement more, especially when I mated my X-250 with the Talons yesterday - the speed, dynamics and transients really stand out now.
I went to their site and checked out the feedback issue. Nutella is right. Funny, I never saw that before, and I owned an X150. The X150 is a great amp with lots of spunk and clarity. There was nothing offensive about it's top end. It smoked a Krell KSA. I got nothing but rave reviews with it mated to an 86db 4 ohm speaker.
Muralman1- I am amazed at my x-150 too. The only upgrade I would make currently is another Pass(250-350) I wish i could afford the 600's. Thanks again for all the input.
Krelldog wrote:
"The only upgrade I would make currently is another Pass..."

Does this mean that you need to change your moniker to PASSDOG ??? B^D