Coincidentally to this thread. After reading I decided to check my paypal account, I haven't used it in a while and zd quite frankly your comments were a bit alarming. So I try to log in and the site doesn't recognize my email. I call them and my phone number is not on record or recognized. I finally get an opportunity to speak with a real live person explaining that I can't access my account. I was told that just recently, this morning, someone had created a new user ID and email address on my account, not me for sure. Seeing this as suspicious, paypal stopped all activity on my account. The rep indicated that an email was sent notifying me of this. Sure enough, there it was, a notification of suspicious activity. The rep indicated that if they got access to my password on my paypal account they most likely have accessed other accounts where the password is the same. So I can say in this case paypal was on the ball.