PC: Synergistic Tesla, Lessloss, Transparent MM

Hello, I currently have a Lessloss power cord to arrive in about 10 days. Besides the Lessloss PC, I've been reading and thinking about the great user feedback on the Synergistic Research Tesla line, and some strong user feedback about Transparent's MM. I'm trying to restore some of the cyrstalline clarity to the upper mids and highs (planar tweeter) of my Reimer Wind Rivers, while still maintaining the "meat on their bones" (the bass weight, mids fullness). I don't like cables that impart any leanness.

Will try the Lessloss on my Blue Circle BMPH integrated, replacing the Audience PC.

Any of you compared SR Tesla, Lessloss, or Transparent PC's?

Also thinking of trying the Lessloss on my PS Audio Premier if the system's upper clarity is not improved enough with the cord change on the Blue Circle integrated.
Thanks, Foster
Oops! I should have read the entire ad body. So the previous price was $500.00 + $70.00 shipping = $570.00?
WOW, either everybody is T'd off at Luidas or waiting on their cords to arrive to do their review. I would have thought given the amount of "excitement" that folks would be "blowing" up this thread more like the Synergistic thread
04-07-08: Trigg
WOW, either everybody is T'd off at Luidas or waiting on their cords to arrive to do their review. I would have thought given the amount of "excitement" that folks would be "blowing" up this thread more like the Synergistic thread

What exactly do you mean by 'blowing up this thread'? In a positive or negative way? Happy that the cords now cost less, or screwed because you paid more for a lesser product?

I think all he was saying was he expected a lot of activity.

I personally purchased a Lessloss last week and installed it over the weekend. So far I am quite pleased but it is a little too soon to give any real comments yet.
How about the Audio Art Power 1 PCs - introductory price is $165 and I think I saw one for sale on Audiogon for $105. I have a hard time believing that a $500 (or more) PC is that much better! OK, maybe I'm just not willing to spend that kind of money to find out!!