Peak Consult Princess speakers?

Has anyone had first hand experience with the Peak Consult Princess speakers. If so, what are your thoughts on how they perform - resolution, soundstage, PRAT, etc. Thank you kindly for your thoughts and opinions.
I believe you would do better with the Verity Parsifals.More airy,not as dark sounding.Don't get me wrong,the Princess is a nice,overpriced speaker.Still a nice product,but the Verity,JM Labs Alto and a few others are a bit better,IMO.
I am using a pair of Peak InCognito's, which I would recommend over the Princess. I am listening near-field, and every time I listen, I just cannot believe the fidelity of these speakers!!!

They excel in resolution of micro-detail...instruments and backing vocals all have their precise location in space, and none smear with one another. A truly reference speaker. The only thing that they will not do, is play REALLY low. But then again, with super-low bass, you will have to do much more acoustic treatment of your room.

Of course, you must use great components upstream. The neat thing about the InCognito's is that their impedance curve [7 ohm, almost flat, never dips below 6.8 ohms] makes them perfect for OTL amps. I'm using Atma-sphere M-60 Mk. 2.2 mono-blocks [60 wpc], with an Atma-sphere MP-3 preamp, and the symmetry is perfect. Of course, I have done some tube rolling and other tweaks to get the fidelity to this high of a plateau!
All these are great speakers and the choice should be yours to make but for someone to say that the Peaks are over price is wrong, for instance, the Empress uses more expensive proprietary drivers from the same company that Verity uses as well as Sonus Faber, the Peaks use very expensive Stereovox cabling internally, the Peaks also use extremely expensive Duelund caps, then not to mention the 1" thick Rose Wood with fine joinery, if the Peaks are over priced, so are all the rest.
Dear Allanbhaganinfo the cost of the woofers and tweeters of all the above speakers does not justify the prices.
The sound maybe.
If you put side by side an Anniversario and the Empress and the Verity you will understand many things, if you listen them even more. So only by listening and knowing all the facts decide not by fireworks.
Amati has very special cabling with fusion of silver and paladium and you can find the same cable to use for speaker cable and IC, likewise the Verity has good components, symposium shelf to separate the 2 boxes etc.
Also Verity and Sonus Faber have some decades behind their labels and studio applications also, so there a lot of facts to see IMHO.