Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
Obviously I know

What you know or do not know is one thing. What you write however is quite another. Based on what you just wrote, what theaudiotweak just said is patently objectively unambiguously true. You know nothing. Absolutely nothing. Worse, what you have said is all false. There’s a few of us who absolutely do know what we’re talking about. You are NOT one of us. Furthest thing from it.  

No wonder I get people PM me asking WTF is up with this clown? Meaning you. In no time flat you have established yourself as one of if not the biggest most pompous empty suits ever to soil this site.

That is more than enough. I am done with you now. Spew whatever you want. Won’t be reading it.
No MC, You don’t know.

You never saw the manufacturing facility for these mats.
You never saw them being manufactured.

You are just taking at faith what you were sold on. Some of us are not quite so naive.
That is the truth.  Tell us what happened to all the paid for tooling, intellectual property, etc. associated with these mats. You claim to be insider. So spill.

People don’t PM me asking what is wrong with you MC, they state it pretty clearly in practically every thread you post in.
This nonsense is ridiculous. MC, your input was greatly appreciated. I started this thread to hopefully satisfy my curiosity. Now this thread has imploded to the point of becoming volatile, thanx to Audio2Design. There hopefully will be more intellectual input as opposed to this childish banter...sort of like when tough guys hear about a fight and want to know the particulars before committing their interest and time....
You asked what was the difference mooncrikit.  If you don't like the answer, getting mad at me is not going to help.

Obviously MC does not really know or he would have put some more detail into "the same but only better". How so? 3db more attentuation?  Wider frequency range of operation?

If you just wanted to guess at the difference, why bother asking? That is all MC is doing.   Ditto for audiotweak.   I have no doubt they talked to the owner. I also have no doubt they never saw the manufacturing line or these being manufactured.  They have no test data, nothing but someone's word. They don't have intricate details of any sort or they would post them.