Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
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This nonsense is ridiculous. MC, your input was greatly appreciated. I started this thread to hopefully satisfy my curiosity. Now this thread has imploded to the point of becoming volatile, thanx to Audio2Design. There hopefully will be more intellectual input as opposed to this childish banter...sort of like when tough guys hear about a fight and want to know the particulars before committing their interest and time....
You asked what was the difference mooncrikit.  If you don't like the answer, getting mad at me is not going to help.

Obviously MC does not really know or he would have put some more detail into "the same but only better". How so? 3db more attentuation?  Wider frequency range of operation?

If you just wanted to guess at the difference, why bother asking? That is all MC is doing.   Ditto for audiotweak.   I have no doubt they talked to the owner. I also have no doubt they never saw the manufacturing line or these being manufactured.  They have no test data, nothing but someone's word. They don't have intricate details of any sort or they would post them.

Yes, you are correct. I did ask what the difference was. I didn't get "mad" at you...however since I asked for intelligent knowledgeable responses since I wasn't guessing, then your input here is suspect at best....please dropout of this thread like the gentleman you possibly can be unless you can offer up any responses that relate directly to the premise of what the difference is between these various versions. Whether you are a believer or not, which obviously you are the latter, doesn't give you or any doubter carte blanche to trash my thread. Being a sceptic is fine as long as you create and build your own thread to do so. So cordially, I ask you to stop pissing on my parade...oh and by the way...Thank you kindly for doing so..