^^^ ...
nkonor ...
Thanks for your concern. Its much appreciated.
When Al raised the question in a previous post about magnets and their effects on pace makers, I took one of the Omega E Mats into my cardiologist and explained the uses for the mats and the fact that I have a lot of drivers in my speakers, which of course means more exposure to magnets.
The cardiologist told me that the warnings in the after surgery instruction booklets are over the top, written by corporate lawyers, just to avoid any possibility of litigation. As an example, the booklet tells you not to put your cell phone in a shirt pocket that is near the pacemaker.
The cardiologist told me that the only way to affect a pacemaker negatively with magnets, would be to put a powerful magnet ... much more powerful than what these mats and speakers could generate, directly on the pacemaker itself. So, in other words, there is no concern of screwing up the pacemaker with handling the Omega E Mats or standing in front of stereo speakers.
I personally thanked Al for his concern in a PM. :-)
Excellent question though ...
PS: I’m kind of sorry I didn’t take a tube of Total Contact into the surgery room with me and instructed the surgeon to paste the connections that hook the wires up from the veins to the pacemaker. I’ll bet I would have ended up with the most efficient pacemaker on the planet ... and a great sounding heart beat to boot. . *lol*