Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Hey Steve, I don’t think it matters much, and neither does Timmy. We’ve been really busy ~~ we’ve recently added 10 under each component. <3 <3 30 on a large voltage regulator, 10 under the CD player, 10 under each sub ~~and 10 on each speaker. <3 <3 ~~ 10 on my Italian race car amps. ~~ A total of 100 mats. <3 <3 It’s the most real experience in electronic sound! A huge increase in dynamic range and weight. Incredible rise in space and air/detail. <3 <3 Given what one can spend on power cords, it’s a bargain. The bass is super super detailed. ~~Skull shaker.~~<3 <3 The poor neighbor. lol. <3 <3 You have to try these products!! Many thanks to those who have. Enjoy. <3 <3 Krissy
About to receive my 2x emats and 1x set of ecards. Do we have a feel on what tweaks don’t play nice? HFC MC 0.5 already covered as a no no. Anyone with Shakti stones, Bybee IQSE/room neutralizers/qplug/speaker bullets, tweek geek sonic tonic tried the emats with positive/negative results? I’m hoping the mats could be THE one “tweak” to rule them all!
Steve, I was about to say perhaps you are a bit heavy on the isolation transformer and could borrow two to finish the space under your amps---until I read the 100-mat treatment by Mr. and Mrs. PPT.  Well, wouldn't hurt to move things around, anyway.  I have heard improvements within an hour under ARC tube amps, and only covering 1/2 of the chassis, underneath, of course---label-side up on all.  Fun! 
jafreeman, the two on top and one under the Bryston IT works great. My amps are custom built and the Mat’s can’t go under (stillpoints under at a triangle too small for an E-Mat, with tubes sideways (too hot to place on top) with one side for front controls (bias, volume, feedback) and only one full side. two minor sides available. The pre-amp also improved with the placing of 3 stacked mats underneath.

As to cost of A/C cables, GroverHuffman cables are affordable to those who can afford an E-Mat. Get both and double your pleasure. Otherwise, buy double the number of E-Mats.

I’m glad that right side/wrong side is not really an issue. I’m so happy with the sound improvement from the E-Mats. It’s like my removing all sound absorption/deflection paneling after using 32 tiny SR HFTs in the (large) listening room.

From what I heard at Frank's home, the more E-Mats the merrier.
Thanks, Steve. With the Still Points blocking placement of a mat, I would just ask if you are placing the Still Points inboard from the chassis, or perimeter of your amps? There was a big craze with those bearing-type couplers, where people would place then under the sheet metal pan of their gear, only to defeat the design strengths of the chassis and the factory footers. The bearing design could easily roll the gear laterally, so the solution was to place them inward, in a tripod---bad idea, in my opinion.
Either way, I would try placing small, solid blocks under your still Points and then the mats under the blocks. From my experience, and yours, the mats will do a lot more than the perfectly-coupled point.  The other thing you could try is to piece together as many E Cards as possible under your amps.  Best Wishes!