Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Unfortunately, there are no feet/footers on my amps.  They were originally theater wall mounted horizontally into walls and gave off radiation (700+ volts).  Modified (very highly), they have only 450v. and the chassis is made out of sheet metal.  My stillpoints are located under the center and right transformers and the other under the left side of the chassis.

My altecs are totally different using 6BG6 russian output tubes (6) which put out 125w., the transformers are 85 degrees after hours of listening, have voltage regulated design, low feedback, a pair of 3" X 7" storage caps, I mean a totally different amp other than the chassis and transformers.   So, as you can see from the photos posted on the above link, this is not a easy amp to place on the ground.
Ok, you have some vintage, rebuilt amps.  Please tell us their story and how you made them into what they are now---very interesting about the voltage (?).  
Haven’t had Internet service for a couple of days ...

Hurray! My house didn’t burn down. So scary. Had to evacuate. Two homes on my street burned down to the ground. Mine was untouched. Poured a spiced rum on ice and listened to some soothing music when I returned after the evacuation was lifted. Still, a bit traumatized though. I have two big Hepa filters going full blast in an attempt to get the smoke smell out of the house.

Literally Holy Smoke!

Glad you are safe and sound!

Just been working away from home a week and came back late last night.

First serious listening session tonight and woah!

It truly is akin to an upgrade somewhere every week as it just keeps getting better.

Now I do not know exactly just what is the main driver as within a few days of each other I installed blue fuses, duplex, emats/cards and tc paste.

But it is working!

Bass is tighter and deeper, vocals are to die for, acoustic instruments just ooze life.

I am loving it!
^^^ Holy Smokes is right.

Prior to the evacuation orders, I decided to stay and fight. As I was hosing down the shrubbery and my roof, the wind was blowing at 50mph and driving lit cinders past me and into me. It was literally raining lit cinders. The heat was intense. The humidity was between 3% to 6%.

There’s an RV storage facility on the hill directly across from my place and it was fully ablaze. All of the cinders were coming from there. Finally, the wind was so strong, the stream coming from my hose just came back toward me and I got soaked. At that point, I panicked and said screw it ... and just bailed out of the place.

When I finally returned and "fired up" the audio system, it sounded better than ever. I think the Total Contact that I pasted on the speaker crossovers a few weeks ago is the reason. I believe its curing nicely. Must be close to the four-week jump.

By the way, guys, say some prayers for A’gon member Mribob. He lives up in Malibu Canyon ... not a good place to be during these fires. He’s out of town and I’ve been texting him with updates.
