Performance loss in used amplifiers?

Recently purchased Mark Levinson 383, 6 years old. Should I be worried about any performance loss? Specifically, does anything in the amp "wear out"? in this amp or any amp. Assume, normal use.
What an excellent question! I echo the first response on the elctrolytic caps......and I can tell you that transistor amplifiers are FULL of them! The lifecycle of electrolytic caps and carbon resistors (not in your unit) are just a fact of life.

If you are a solid state fan - be prepared for this. Also, realize that with great sounding audio the parts are recipe - meaning that you would be challenged to find that brand, voltage rating, and microfarad rating or suffer a change in sonics with a different brand if you were to change them. It's like a recipe - use the same ingredients or you won't have the same taste. That has been my experience in tweaks over the years.

at least you don't need to worry about breaking in a new amplifier. i also buy used amplifiers and so far had no problems.
I own the 'boat-anchor' called White Audio Labs A100. I don't know how old it is but it has a blown transformer for 1 ch. The place that diagnosed the prob.says both trannies should be replaced. Where does one get these? and, how much for the parts and r&r labor?? Transformers R-us?? duh?
it just purchased a cherry p300 accuphase(35 years old)and it performs to spec. the levinson should be fine.