Permanently sealing a vented subwoofer??

I have a budget subwoofer that I would like to tinker with if the results are positive. I read that to some degree, sealed subwoofers can produce much better in a music based system than a vented subwoofer. What would be the results if I permanently sealed the vent on a vented subwoofer? What are the consequences? Is this possible?
I certainly dont agree that a sealed accustic suspension is easier to pull off the a port, if so then why is every damn speaker at Best Buy and Wall-Mart, Sears and so on ported? re-think it man!

READ my post again!!! I choose my words very carefully.

I said a PROPERLY designed ported speaker is more difficult
to design than an acoustic suspension.

There are lots of speakers that are ported that are not
designed to properly represent the transfer function of a
high pass filter.

It's not a matter of opinion - the ported system has more
design parameters than an acoustic suspension. Both have
the driver parameters in common. Add to that the volume
of the box - and you have the parameters for the
acoustic suspension. The ported design adds box volume,
plus a number of parameters related to the port - size of
port, acoustic impedance...

Don't tell me to re-think until you re-read!!!

Dr. Gregory Greenman
>I certainly dont agree that a sealed accustic suspension is easier to pull off the a port, if so then why is every damn speaker at Best Buy and Wall-Mart, Sears and so on ported? re-think it man!

A ported speaker gets you lower bass without using a larger (more expensive to build, ship, and stock) enclosure (that is also less domestically acceptable and limits the market) or increased (more expensive) power. It gives you the low bass output you want without requiring the sealed sub woofer's higher (more expensive) excursion.

Band-pass and ported designs are ideal when the primary design requirements are cheap and small.
Drew, please contact the engineering departments at B&W, Avalon, Monitor Audio, Proac, Spendor, Eggleston, Wilson, Sonus Faber, VMPS, Harbeth, et. al. and let them know about the problems with their "cheap" and "small" designs.