Perreaux P250 Problem

I have a broke down Perreaux P250 ,1 channel out.Could someone help me on were I might be able to get this fixxed.Preferably on the West coast .
Perreaux want's me to send it to them in Newzealand but as it won't be covered by warranty would prefer to have it fixxed closer to home .
yeah that's the one alright... it was a very simple problem.
Would you believe I fixed it myself, but I didn't know that it was actually fixed due to a really dumb mistake that I made upon reassembly. It was only a 2 dollar part; I'll only confess the rest of the story offline & if I ever see it here - well I know where to find you :)
i live in los angeles. try calling george myers tv in west los angeles 310 820-1113 and also solutions in los angeles 323 666-4161
Just spewed soda all over my screen! LOL. Don’t feel bad Mr motor I’ve not noticed the thread dates before as well. To err is human, to err in public is funnier than hell!