Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Onkyo Integra 504 RS
Symphonic Line RG1 mkIII
BAT VK 200
Perreaux 350P
Pass Aleph 30
Sansui receiver purchased at a PX in Viet Nam. (Used it for 14 years or so. It's still in my garage.)
Superphon G 4 or something. Still around but one channel is out.
Bryston 4B - I drove down to Boulder determined to get a Levinson but came home with this.
Classe CA-200 - used happily for several years
Musical Fidelity CR (way better than the Classe in every respect.)
I wanted to simplify my system so in the last year I have tried Plinius top of the line Mk II integrated amp but didn't stick with it very long. (It is not very transparent.) Then tried for a couple of weeks the Unico integrated but as with the Plinius was underwhelmed. I now have on order a pair of "extreme" version of Odyssey monoblocks to mate with a BV-Audio preamp. That preamp is now plugged into the Musical Fidelity and sounds glorious. I was using my old Croft valve preamp that sounded nice until the BV arrived. Neither the Croft nor the Conrad Johnson PR-1 (once class A stereophile) cannot compete with the BV. When the Odysseys arrive I hope I am done forever.
Well the only amps I have ever owned are the amp packs attached to my ATC active speakers.

And since I felt so left out of all of these conversations, I decided to buy a system for my office to play with, and give me ammunition to add to the entire amp/ preamp and speaker sections of audiogon.

It is so fun reading about everyone else's quandries, so I decided to give myself some!

I am so happy with my home system I had to go out and buy something that would not satisfy me so I could fit in with everyone else.

Yes, that was kind of a joke.

So now I have some little Antique Sound Lab monoblocks, and now I can start experimenting with different tubes, power cords, interconnects, speaker wire (a new one for me!) and other things.

Not only that, but I am buying a turntable so I can also start reading all of the analog discussions too!

The Audio note P2SE (upgraded) is with my Audio Note guy to shop it around with his customers.

I acquired a lovely Audio Note Conqueror with upgraded Sophia 300b tubes, Sylvania 6ns7GT drivers, and audio note oil film caps for a very reasonable price. A definite step up from the pentode P2SE although that is a lovely amp, too, and much more powerful with 17 watts. The 8 watts works just fine with my Audio Note K type speakers, though.
Many Dynakit integrateds, pre, stereo 70, mono blocks, then Proton D940, then Onkyo Integra A807, then an acurus pre with a rotel 980, and now finally a threshold stasis 3.