Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Wow some great collections there.

I started with a Pioneer amp when I was about 15, it was about 20wpc from memory.

Followed this with a Technics 40wpc amp with needle power meters on the front.

Can't remember model numbers for either of these.

Moved up a bit and bought a Luxman L215 over 20 years ago.

The Luxman blew after many years of service so I replaced it with a Rotel RA980BX bought at a reasonable price off EBay.

However, the bug had bitten and while all the above were second hand I decided it was time for a new amp.

Last year I replaced my ancient Rectilinear speakers and a week ago I bought my first valve amp: a Melody I34 which is the new model with a remote.

Must say I'm very happy with the new amp, a definite step up, but it has been quite a ride for many years.

I posted in 2002 and updated in 2004 and it is time for another update.

2002 post:

Technics integrated -- approx. 1986
Denon PMA 300V int. -- late 80's
Heath amp -- late 80's or 1990
Forte Model 6 -- 1991
Meridian 557 -- 1997
Mark Levinson No.383 int. -- 2000
Moscode 300 (modified) -- 2001
Mark Levinson No.383 int. -- 3/2002

2004 post:

Innersound ESL -- 2/2003
Bat Vk-200 -- 2/2003
Jeff Rowland Concentra II -- 6/2003
Pass X150.5 -- 12/2003

Since then:

Classe CA2200 -- 8/2004
Musical Fidelity kW500 (integrated) -- 4/2005
McIntosh MA2275 (integrated) -- 1/2006
McIntosh MC402 -- 5/2006
* Tried a Jeff Rowland Concentra II again in 11/2006, but much prefered the MC402, which I still use.
1. Yamaha receiver (don't remember the model, but it was the first year Yamaha used a "digital" tuner")
2. NAD 3140 PE
3. Arcam Delta 90
4. Rogue Audio Cronus
Yamaha Reciever
Arcam Alpha One Integrated(35 wpc)
Arcam Alpha Seven Integrated(45 wpc, needed the remote)
Bryston 3B ST (150 wpc)
McIntosh MC402 (400 wpc)
Very slow and slight evolution for me.

Pioneer SX3600 receiver
NAD 3080 (out of a friends garbage can)
NAD 2150
NAD 3150

hiatus of 4 years then entry into HT

Marantz monoblocks (5)
Carver TFM15CB for rears
NAD 2700 THX (still have and love)
Adcom 5503
Rotel 1095 (current HT amp)
NAD 7000 receiver (current living room system)

What can I say; i love the sound of NAD equipment