Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used
b.i.c. tpi venturi 12 1980 $300 new (wish i could go back)
a/d/s/ 1230 1985 $1200 new
added velodyne uld 15 1986 $2000 new
trade up to a/d/s/ 910 1990 even swap for 1230
a/d/s/ 1590 $800 used 2000 to replace 910 (lateral move)
add second velodyne uld 15 used $800 2001
magnepan mg3.5r used $2000 2002
I am only 26, but here goes

Pioneer- Crap under $100
Cerwin Vega- Wanted bass $400
Mirage M5- Here is where I got bit by the bug
Sonus Faber Concertino
Sonus Faber Concerto
Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano- Current speaker, But tomorrow who knows!
Pioneer 3-ways w/12s - $200 - new - 1990 (I was 12)
Polk S6 - $300 - new - 1992
Paradigm Titan - $165 - new - 1994
B&W CDM 2SE - $550 - new - 2001 (moved to rears)
B&W CDM 1NT - $1050 - new - 2003
First post here on Audiogon. Been a lurker for awhile. So here goes.

A pair of old AR bookshelves. I think AR 2's or 3's. Late 60's. Couple hundred.
A pair of Ohm L bookshelves. 1978. Couple hundred. College graduation present.
A pair of Polk Monitor 10's. 1980. $350. Got a deal 'cause my buddy worked at Eardrum in Cambridge, MA.
Upgraded to 10B's by replacing a blown tweeter w/ the newer version in Late 80's.
A pair of Klipsch SB-1 bookshelves. 2002. $250. Got 'em to augment the sound of my TV. Not really for HT.
A pair of B&W CDM9NT's. 2002 (got 'em a month ago). $2400. Stereo listening only. Sound great.
Marantz speakers
Ohm walsh 2 $800
Kef 104 ($1,200) demo
Martin Logan Quest z ( $4600 new)
Norh 6.9 rewired with siltech(speakers $950,siltech
wire $350plus $65 labor)
Andra Eggleston($6500)

I love my logan for maybe nine years now, but 6.9 norh
is sometime my favorite for the price they are so
good and musical, it amaze that they would measure up
with expensive speaker,I like their design too, With
andra bought use still waiting for the stratos monoblock,
upgrade from Klaus, The andra even with playing them
it made me feel this are the speaker I would spend for
a long time, they are gorgeous but It would probably take a
year before I can get the best of of this speaker, it
take time to highly synergize this babies..