Since my last post, things have changed. Here was my last post:
11-20-03: Thesaint519
Okay. Here is a list of the speakers that I have owned starting with the current set:
- Revel Salons
- Legacy Audio Focus
- Legacy Audio Studio Monitors
- Polk M5's & M3's
Over the last two years my system has completely changed four times.
With the Salons:
- Levinson 390S
- Levinson 33H's
With the Legacy Audio Focus:
- Meridian 561 pre/pro
- Meridian 596 dvd/cd player
With the Legacy Audio Studio Monitors:
- Meridian 502
- Meridian 506.24
With the Polk Audio Speakers:
- Yahama DSPA-3090 pre/pro & 7 channel amp
And I am still evolving. However, the speakers are forever remaining. I would ultimately like to end up with a dual purpose system where both music and movies are enjoyed. That'd bring me full circle.
**Since then, the Salons were replaced with Wilson Watt/Puppy 8's, which were subsequently replaced with Wilson Sashas. The Front end is a DCS Purcell/Delius stack, which doubles as my preamp. The front end runs direct to my Lamm M1.2 Reference mono amps. Richard Gray Power Company 1200S feeds the system, while a ReQuest Media server supplies all the music and movies. Transparent Audio Reference cabling strings everything together. The sound is pure bliss. Future upgrades:
- Replace the Grand Prix Audio Monaco Rack with an HRS/SXR rack
- Lamm L2 Refernce preamp
- Upgrade all cabling to XLMM2.
11-20-03: Thesaint519
Okay. Here is a list of the speakers that I have owned starting with the current set:
- Revel Salons
- Legacy Audio Focus
- Legacy Audio Studio Monitors
- Polk M5's & M3's
Over the last two years my system has completely changed four times.
With the Salons:
- Levinson 390S
- Levinson 33H's
With the Legacy Audio Focus:
- Meridian 561 pre/pro
- Meridian 596 dvd/cd player
With the Legacy Audio Studio Monitors:
- Meridian 502
- Meridian 506.24
With the Polk Audio Speakers:
- Yahama DSPA-3090 pre/pro & 7 channel amp
And I am still evolving. However, the speakers are forever remaining. I would ultimately like to end up with a dual purpose system where both music and movies are enjoyed. That'd bring me full circle.
**Since then, the Salons were replaced with Wilson Watt/Puppy 8's, which were subsequently replaced with Wilson Sashas. The Front end is a DCS Purcell/Delius stack, which doubles as my preamp. The front end runs direct to my Lamm M1.2 Reference mono amps. Richard Gray Power Company 1200S feeds the system, while a ReQuest Media server supplies all the music and movies. Transparent Audio Reference cabling strings everything together. The sound is pure bliss. Future upgrades:
- Replace the Grand Prix Audio Monaco Rack with an HRS/SXR rack
- Lamm L2 Refernce preamp
- Upgrade all cabling to XLMM2.