philips sacd 1000 as a redbook player

taken at the $399 price, if the sacd 1000 was only a redbook cd player what price range ( cd players) would it compete against? and what highly regarded players would it best?
Context. context, context people! For a $399 player it does redbook at good value for the money. No one is saying that this is a $399 redbook player that is as good as a $1000 redbook player.

HOWEVER, IMHO it would beat the Rotel 991 (which was a $1200 player list new) but does not beat the AH! (about $1000 with all upgrades new. But, you have to keep those observations in context to the price of the player, the purpose of the player (SCAD), etc.

Also keep in context the original post where TOK 2000 asked for opinions and observations.

Bottom line: for a $399 peice of equipment it more than holds its own at THAT price point even with a head full of earwax to boot. LOL :)
Philips SACD1000 MSRP is $1599.00 and it's SUPPOSED to be treated like a $1000 class player. Dont let the price drop lower your expectation. Let me ask you, if this unit is never on sale and is $1599.99 would you buy it? and would you still think it's worth it and use it for redbook reference?
So, pardon me and dont get me wrong. For $399 tweeter price, it's still a SUPER DEAL. I am keeping one myself...
I could have sworn this player came out at $2000, dropped to half of that in less then a year and was recently blown out at $400 (which should tell you something). It seems if one bought this player for over a grand they where reamed pretty hard for redbook, at $2K there are/where many other options! An ok deal at $400 but nothing to get so excited and offensive/defensive over, right guys? Seems a ton of folks here bought this player recently and have new-toy syndrome, you know, where everything YOU buy has to be the best and greatest just because YOU bought it, at least for a little while it is that way, right? It is very sad that one cannot voice a negative opinion on any product on this site without getting attacked, sad that people prefer ignorant bliss and constant ego bolstering.

Most people spit forth endless praise of the things they own, which is fine, but without perspective the praise is pretty empty. Reviews with praise and also critiques, especially when reviewed along with other gear, I always read and take note of. Endless praise and defensive attacks tend to turn me off from a piece (and a reviewer). Give Infinity_audio a break, he is entitled to his opinion on this piece, regardless if you agree with him or not, and same goes for fans of the player, to each their own.