PHILIPS Transports: Problems w/CDM 12.4

Who has knowledge of the CDM-9 (used in alot of high end players in late 80's to early 90's), & the CDM-12.4 (mid-90's, used in SFT-1 transport & others).

I was told that the transport following the CDM-9 (which I think was the CDM-12) was breaking down & was not very good. Don't count on finding anyone at Philips to talk to about transports. I spent an inordinate amount of time today trying to get a technical person at Philips to shed some light on this, to no avail. Most of Philips' main service facilities will not allow you to speak to technicians, & don't give you any help whatsoever.
Is it really wise to buy older CD players? Philips has indicated that laser life on the CDM-9, e.g., is about 3,500 hrs. If an enthusiastic music listener plays CDs 4 hrs. a day , at 5 days per week, the laser would be used up in 3-1/2 years!

Just looking for some advice, since I'm contemplating buying a transport/player. Perhaps the Pioneer Stable Platter mechanism is the best choice here for longevity, I don't know.
Ive had good luck with the cdm9. It was used in a lot of audio products. I have 3 transports that use it and have never had a problem. There is a fairly big demand for the Philips cd880 and cd960 which were made in the 80's. These units are perfect to modify and offer good sound at minimal pricing.
I am using a CD 880 by the standard above it should have died in 1993. Its still kicking. Heaver than a lot of recievers. What do you want to know i am in Knoxville Tn and know several engineers that work at Philips HQ.
I am using the Philips CD850 Mk II, I thinks using the CDM9 transport in which the gear that moves the cd tray broke down. Any means of getting a replacement?
I own the Quad 67 and Philips CDI-205, both have the CDM 9 transport. No problems whatsoever. My Marantz CD63SE although is a later model and having CDM 12 is giving me problems at times due to mistracking, as for the tray I use it manually for opening and closing. None of the CD Players are being used as my primary source.