Phono amp recommendations

I am thinking of upgrading my phono amp and would like recommendations in a sub $2000 phono stage. I don't even have an "A" list yet and will build it off of others recommendations and some listening of course. I have a Nottingham Spacedeck with the New AceSpace arm, shelter 501 II, Belles Auricap 21A pre and ref. 150A poweramp. Dynaudio Special 25 speaker with Shunyata Gemini speaker and Aries interconnects. I love acoustic music, look a bit more towards warmth than detail. I listen to about 65%vinyl, 34% CDP and 1% wondering what I am going to listen to next. I listen to a wide variety of music, strong leaning to jazz, bluegrass, blues, acoustic rock and popular music, some classical pieces as well. Thanks for your input. Oh, I currently use a Dynavector P75 which is a great little amp, I am just thinking my other equipment could give me a little more with a nicer phono stage.
3rd or is it 4th for the KandK, buy it in kit form at $1550, or built for about $1900. I have'nt heard a steelhead or Aesthetix, but the KandK is the one I will be keeping. Detailed, even across the freuency spectrum, but not fatiguing.
Yes, the K&K. I posted this many moon ago, but a bunch of us auditioned the K&K against SEVERAL units both SS and tube some time ago (and that was before the uprgaded K&K) at a local audio haunt, most of the units mentioned above not excpeted. It outperformed everything short of an IO Signature (on the order of 5x the cost). It got to the point where the haunt owner half-jokingly said, "tell very few about this piece and none locally."

I have yet to hear ANYONE say anything bad about this piece (if they've actually heard one), and that might be the loudest testimonial of all.
If you go the K&K route, do yourself a favor and buy a pair of Herbies Tube Dampers. They really do take the sound up another notch. It also benifits fram frequent frequency sweeps using the Cardas set-up record.
Funny, I've tried both on mine to little or no effect. The dampers may have helped some, but I'm not so sure. :-) The sweep did NADA, at least in my system.
Boy, thanks for the ideas. I think I need to add the K&K to my list and give it a listen. I have also been thinking or perhaps springing for a Sutherland Phd as the battery really appeals to me, and the $400+ savings on a power cord.

Audio_blow_hard, the Belles really needs no smoothing out. Super combination couldn't be happier. The Dynaudio's do have a slight forward personality and are about the best sounding speakers I have ever heard regardless of price on about 80% of the albums with the right electronics. With carefull cabling I have increased that to about 90%. Perhaps with the right phono amp I'll get 95%. (I do have a small to med. listening room so a big speaker is not needed)

Thanks again to all, I will follow up on some of these suggestions. David.