Synergy is a real consideration. I have 2 V15 RS. One on a Linn Basik with an LVX. Ah! The synergy. I'm sure nothing could substantially improve it. I have 4 styli: the original HE that came with it, and an old replacement, not sure if its an HE or MR; but both of these have the Beryllium cantelever. A Jico VN5xMR, and a Jico VN5xMR SAS.
The Jico - non SAS is on the Linn. The SAS was a tad too bright.
The other TT is an Oracle Alexandria with a Sumiko MMT. I was very happy with the V15 RS - SAS combination on this one. I wanted to see what the MC buzz was all about so I researched quite a bit and decided that the Denon DL-301 MKIII was the best fit for a Shure lover who wanted a bit more bass in my price range. I really like it! It spends more time on the Alex than the Shure. But when I want to listen to some old LPs that have been played too many times, I always switch back to the Shure wit the HE. It really quiets down the surface noise.
Conclusion: If you decide to try a new cartridge, or BEFORE you decide, try a cheaper replacement stylus for the Shure, especially if you have oldies like me. LP Gear has one for $90. give up your V15! Even though you could sell it for $300.