Phono pre for ZYX 100 Yatra high output

Running a .48 mv yatra with an ARC ph3SE. I need something with more gain as the ARC has 54 DB and I just can't get adequate volume. Any suggestions??
thanks for the input, as I know you are very well informed regarding vinyl, so your opinion carries a lot of weight with me. And Rod, I'm a bit puzzled as well, as before the move the level was borderling acceptable, but now, in a smaller but less lively room, the results are simply unacceptable. This is one frustrating hobby!!!...Thank god there's good red wine in abundance!!!
The ZYX is out of my budget right now, but the new Simaudio5.3 has caught my eye....60 db should do the trick....still wonder if new tubes might make a difference...
New tubes could certainly make a difference. Do you have a way to test them? Don't know the tube complement in a Ph-3, but there are tube equivalents that will give you more gain for certain families.
Here's a vote for the K&K Audio Phono Stage.
Have been running a ZYX Airy 3 for almost 2 years with fantastic results.
Unbelievable value.
Do a search here and on Vinyl Asylum for more info.
Try to track down a used Modwright phono stage if a new one is not in your budget (I think new they are $3000.00). I have a ZYX R100H and it has more than enough gain, and is simply great for the price - very dynamic, with a gorgeous midrange.
I will suggest a K&K step up transformer to get more gain. I know the STU's are another link in the chain but it's another option. Kevin is a great guy and I suggest giving him a call and discussing your situatuion.