Phono preamp suggestions; can I improve upon my Aesthetix Rhea Sig ?

I have just ordered a new VPI HW-40 with a Van Den Hut Crimson Stradivarius cart.  I'm now wondering if I need to upgrade my Rhea phono pre? Have already made improvements with NOS tubes.  Have looked at the Pass XP-27. Also I see the Coincident Speaker Technology Statement was just awarded product of the year award from AS.    Any thoughts?


I borrowed a Colibri XGW, nice cart. It was of the clean / neutral camp somewhat akin to the Ortofon A90 and not as warm / thick as the Koetsus or even Benzes. I enjoyed it with my VAC tube MM stage and an EAR MC-3 SUT. Both of which add "flesh to the bones" of a cartridge, so to speak. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much with a leaner sounding setup or SS phono stage. So your tubed Aesthetix might be a good match. If you want to experiment further, consider adding a nice SUT (probbly not a Lundahl amorphous core though - they are too lean for the VdH) and running it into the Rhea set at 44dB / 47k. 

Very nice setup. The VdH sounds great, back on my friend's VPI 12" 3D arm & HRX again - just heard it again today. 

Thanks mulveling!  The SUT sounds intriguing as a way to lower the noise floor of my existing pre.  Never thought about that.  As I'm not very familiar with SUT brands any recommendations?  


I am not sure if you would be willing to try solid state. The Sutherland Little LOCO is really good. It’s quiet, has great dynamics at low and high volumes, the mids are nice and smooth. This is a current driven phono stage instead of voltage driven. This is one of those companies who have not raised their prices yet unlike all the rest of these companies. Plus, Ron Sutherland cares about the consumers happiness even over the money. If the little LOCO is out of the price range at $3800 there is a little brother to the Little LOCO called the TZ Vibe. Still current driven for $1400. I just tried this with the linear power supply intended for the Sutherland 20/20 and it was smooth as silk with more than enough gain for everyones needs. It doesn’t need the LPS to sound great but it did of course improve the sound. So for $1850 to have a fantastic phono stage with a linear power supply you can’t go wrong and definitely not at that price for a current driven phono stages that usually start or will start at $4000. BTW, Nice job on the cart. One of those really great carts on the market. If you live near the Chicagoland area you should visit


Also, You can check out the new Acoustic Signature turntable. It is so good you will sell your car to get one. That Acoustic Signature Tornado turntable on the Ayre separates and the KEF Blades playing through the Sutherland TZ Vibe will make you question your past audio purchases. 


I am not sure if you would be willing to try solid state. The Sutherland Little LOCO is really good. It’s quiet, has great dynamics at low and high volumes, the mids are nice and smooth. This is a current driven phono stage instead of voltage driven. This is one of those companies who have not raised their prices yet unlike all the rest of these companies. Plus, Ron Sutherland cares about the consumers happiness even over the money. If the little LOCO is out of the price range at $3800 there is a little brother to the Little LOCO called the TZ Vibe. Still current driven for $1400. I just tried this with the linear power supply intended for the Sutherland 20/20 and it was smooth as silk with more than enough gain for everyones needs. It doesn’t need the LPS to sound great but it did of course improve the sound. So for $1850 to have a fantastic phono stage with a linear power supply you can’t go wrong and definitely not at that price for a current driven phono stages that usually start or will start at $4000. BTW, Nice job on the cart. One of those really great carts on the market. If you live near the Chicagoland area you should visit


Also, You can check out the new Acoustic Signature turntable. It is so good you will sell your car to get one. That Acoustic Signature Tornado turntable on the Ayre separates and the KEF Blades playing through the Sutherland TZ Vibe will make you question your past audio purchases. 


I am not sure if you would be willing to try solid state. The Sutherland Little LOCO is really good. It’s quiet, has great dynamics at low and high volumes, the mids are nice and smooth. This is a current driven phono stage instead of voltage driven. This is one of those companies who have not raised their prices yet unlike all the rest of these companies. Plus, Ron Sutherland cares about the consumers happiness even over the money. If the little LOCO is out of the price range at $3800 there is a little brother to the Little LOCO called the TZ Vibe. Still current driven for $1400. I just tried this with the linear power supply intended for the Sutherland 20/20 and it was smooth as silk with more than enough gain for everyones needs. It doesn’t need the LPS to sound great but it did of course improve the sound. So for $1850 to have a fantastic phono stage with a linear power supply you can’t go wrong and definitely not at that price for a current driven phono stages that usually start or will start at $4000. BTW, Nice job on the cart. One of those really great carts on the market. If you live near the Chicagoland area you should visit


Also, You can check out the new Acoustic Signature turntable. It is so good you will sell your car to get one. That Acoustic Signature Tornado turntable on the Ayre separates and the KEF Blades playing through the Sutherland TZ Vibe will make you question your past audio purchases.