@mulveling the Tung Sol BGRP sounded the most unique out of all, and the best to my ears. An extremely juicy, "technicolor" sound (like Koetsu) that was the only tube which seemed to fully deliver on the 6SN7’s purported promise as "king of tone". The Ken-Rad was my next favorite (especially BG variant), with bass 2nd only to the Tung-Sol. The Sylvania VT-231 seemed a little dry to me but was neutral and could be good in combination with Ken-Rad or Tung-Sol. I also liked the brown-base Sylvania 6SN7WGT, probably more than the tall bottle VT-231. I never liked the gray glass RCA VT-231 as much as these other makes, but it’s nonetheless a pretty good sounding tube.
My thoughts exactly, even down to your remarks about the RCA VT-231.
Ken Rad Black Glass paired with a Sylvania VT-231 produces the best attributes of both tubes.
The only tube I've heard to rival the Tung Sol BGRP is the Melz 1578 OTK, Russian military. This is a magical sounding tube. I know these terms get thrown around, but a pair of these in my amp created a you are there experience, so realistic it was scary.
Unfortunately, the early years were the best and they're all gone. I have some from 1980 and for a short time I was able to enjoy them before they crapped out. Have one pair that works and I'm saving it.