Phono stage

Hello Friends
I'm close to Nirvana, re phono stages, but want a bit more juice, in the bass (SLAM), and a sweeter treble, that won"t make my ears bleed, just kidding, yes, on some recordings some recordings, it is a bit bright, I bought a used PS Audio GPH, that has helped, but still, want a phono stage, that will take me to the next level, don't let me wrong, the PS Audio, is great!!, but I think, I could do better!!, I'm on a pension, so the mega, expensive, units, is out of my my price range!!, I have searched the web!!, below is what, according, to reviews, I just need guidance!!
1. RCM Sensor
2. TW acoustics
3.Monk phono stage
4. Herron VTPH-2
5.Liberty  B2 ( I'm not sure, if a tube unit, will give me slam,)
6. Mc Tavish  design(tube)
7. Decware ZP3 (tube)
8. Nagra VPS, or BPS
What is your thoughts??
Bass is where I'm coming from!!, with a smooth treble, but with nice cymbels
Hi David,

You list some good options above (I am a fan of the Herron in particular), but it would be helpful if you provide a more specific price range, as those options are all over the map in terms of price.  However, if "bass" is really where you are coming from, I would unequivocally recommend the ASR Basis Exclusive (please note I state this as an owner of an Allnic H-3000 phono stage).

Best of luck,


+3 on the Manley Chinook. It is paired with a Soundsmith MIMC Star and ironically just yesterday I was listening and thinking how real cymbals sounded!
Still need to make sure is good impedance match.
For example the Herron has a 500ohm impedance and Keith Herron himself recommeds a 100 to 1 ratio so preamp or integrated would need to be 50k ohms or close.
The real possibility with a severe mismatch is loss of bass and dynamics, something the op clearly does NOT want.

Op, can you let us know the make, model of preamp or integrated you ate using?

I had Don Sachs build out his version of the Tubes4HiFi PH16 phono stage with upgraded parts and nice wooden case.  This is a great phono stage, but it is MM only.  I already had the SUT and I don't know if this would work for you, but worth a look. 

Don doesn't build a lot of these I don't think (unlike his preamp which is quite popular), but the sound is fabulous.  He'll put in step up transformers if you like.  You can tube roll to tailor the sound to your liking.  I'm using NOS Telefunken input tubes in mine. 

Don's phono stage sits in front of a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 preamp.  Very nice front end.  At this point, choice of cartridge determines the nature of my sound. 

You owe it to yourself to check out the EAR 834P, a tube phono stage that provides plenty of bass slam plus a to-die-for midrange and top end.
