Phono stage for tube system - recommendations?

I recently swapped my Blue Circle driving Merlins for the well regarded Ars Sonum Filharmonia integrated. I have gained a fair amount of air and presence but lost a smidgen of attack especially on higher spectrum of frequency. Front end is a Shelter 901/SME-V/Orbe SE.

I was previously considering moving from my modified GCPH to a tubed photo such as the K&K Maxxed out, Herron,JLTI Artemis, or Aesthetix Rhea, but am now having second thoughts going all tube, and contemplating upgrading along the lines of a Solid State Phono stage instead.

On the solid state side, the candidates are the usual suspects: Pass Xono, ASR, Whest, Tom Evans.

I'm sure at least a handful of members have come to this fork and have some experiences to share. Thoughts welcome!

For the price range you are in I would stay with a tubed phono pre like a Manley Steelhead (which I do own) or go with a soundsmith strain gauge for a non tube. The strain gauge is absolutely amazing. The best phono reproduction in any price range and includes the strain gauge cartridge.

I already own the Manley and have both MM & MC setups. Otherwise I would go to a strain gauge myself.

Audition one you will be amazed
There is no reason to back away from consideraton of the Aesthetix Rhea, it is a superb unit. If you can afford the Signature version, it's even better.
I was shocked how good the Graham Slee stuff is. I have an Elevator now, and I plan on buying an Era Gold early next year when I switch to a line stage (Cary SLP05 or ARC Ref3)