Right off the bat, this is all HIGHLY subjective, and based solely upon opinion, mine in this case. (So, NO flames please) I highly value deep, dark, black backgrounds, so I tend to like solid state phono stages, (but that does not exclude a well made tube phono stage from making it into the top tiers of my list.)
So, ... First off, to be perfectly honest, I think you should specify which models, for those companies that you have listed, which more than one model.
(As an example, while the Aesthetix IO is a top tier phono stage, the Rhea, IMHO, is not. I would put it in the middle tier, as it was too noisy for my tastes. Nice features though, as I will readily admit.)
In addition, as much as I love Lamm equipment, (I own the M2.1 monoblock amps), I would not put the Lamm LP2 in the top tier either. It is much too limited in its applications, as it does not have much in the way of gain or loading adjustments.
Other top tier phono stages, (for me obviously), would be the ASR Basis Exclusive and I with you agree about The Einstein (the balanced version anyway), and the Manley (Steelhead), and, of course, the aforementioned Aesthetix IO.
Middle Tier phono stages would include the Ayre P-5xe (almost making into the top tier), The Ear 834, The ARC PH-3 (just barely making it), and of course the previously mentioned Aesthetix Rhea and Lamm LP2.
Lower Tier phono stages would be the Bellari, the NAD PP, the Grado PH-1, etc...
My two cents worth anway.
So, ... First off, to be perfectly honest, I think you should specify which models, for those companies that you have listed, which more than one model.
(As an example, while the Aesthetix IO is a top tier phono stage, the Rhea, IMHO, is not. I would put it in the middle tier, as it was too noisy for my tastes. Nice features though, as I will readily admit.)
In addition, as much as I love Lamm equipment, (I own the M2.1 monoblock amps), I would not put the Lamm LP2 in the top tier either. It is much too limited in its applications, as it does not have much in the way of gain or loading adjustments.
Other top tier phono stages, (for me obviously), would be the ASR Basis Exclusive and I with you agree about The Einstein (the balanced version anyway), and the Manley (Steelhead), and, of course, the aforementioned Aesthetix IO.
Middle Tier phono stages would include the Ayre P-5xe (almost making into the top tier), The Ear 834, The ARC PH-3 (just barely making it), and of course the previously mentioned Aesthetix Rhea and Lamm LP2.
Lower Tier phono stages would be the Bellari, the NAD PP, the Grado PH-1, etc...
My two cents worth anway.