Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?

This post is just to get a general ideas among audiophiles and audio enthusiasts; to see who really likes what. Here's the catch!

If you were restricted to a budget of $10,000, and wanted to assemble a system, from start to finish, which format would you choose, 2 channel or mulichannel?

I'll go first and say multichannel. I've has to opportunity to hear a multichannel setup done right and can't see myself going back to 2-channel. I'm even taking my system posting down and will repost it as a multichannel system.

So...pick your poison! Which one will it be, 2-channel or multichannel.

Here is a definition from Merriam Websters dictionary.

Main Entry: au·dio·phile
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fI(-&)l
Function: noun
: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

Notice how this does not differenciate between 2 channel, multichannel, mono, or even ipod headphones...

You seem very enthusastic about your multichannel high fidelity sound reproduction so I hate to be the one to break it to you, all bulling aside (lol), but in every sense of the word you have become an AUDIOPHILE.

Ps...I found your posts more informative when you were selling the virtues of Multichannel. Not when you have tried to debase other peoples beliefs that differ from yours. An eye for an eye so to speak.

These forums are full of people trying to sell their product and beliefs, Multichannel, two channel, transistor radio...what does the medium matter as long as the music brings a smile to your face.

If you want the people of the world to know, embrace, and maybe convert...sell your ideas, and let the idiots go on with their delusions.

Just my $20.00 worth (adjusted for inflation)
Dave...you've truly given me a reality check! Some people get it and some don't. Sad to say, but you may be right...I am and audiophile. Just not THAT kind of audiophile. It gets frustrating to hear such mumbo come from people who have many more years in the hobby than I. Then when I make my case, I'm told I don't know what I'm talking about because I have only 3 years under my belt.

You're right though!! I should revert my passion in another direction.

I already know the answer but I can't help but to ask myself "why won't they at least give it shot?" I'm not the type to put someone down because they were wrong. I'm happy if someone corrects the error.

I was told I would be the one of the only few who chose to take the red pill over the blue!!

PS- Thanks for the great deal on your thoughts.
Cdwallace, I'm not offended at all with comments & your general opinion of audiophiles or where you stand on multichannel verus two channel. The forums are full of opinions including mine. There was a thread started some time ago about what audiophiles do for a living. Many are highly educated folks from all walks of life. You started this thread and I offered my thoughts on the subject then you became unglued.

Anyway my reference to mediocre sound is my what I think that most of the general public will accept till someone can show them what they have been missing and some don't care as long as the gear does its job.

Anyway I have before enthusiasticly embraced multichannel/surround sound. I purchased several power amps of the same brand & power, coupled to a two channel preamp with theater pass through with an external processor. All my speakers are very large except for the center. I enjoyed my movies tremendously & with this setup, music was satisfying as well. Over time I lost interest in this type of setup wanting to go back to two channel only and put my dollars there. I recently purchased just the receiver for multichannel playback which is seldom used. That is my priority and for anyone else, you can do whatever turns you on.
Maybe this will help a little.

--------Question primarily for 2CH'rs-----------

Are you aware that the very essense of MC is durived from the same principles of 2CH? Here's the easiest and most practical way I can explain it. Its like getting the same stereo magic between each of the 5 speakers. You know how when a 2Ch setup is locked in, the sound stage is detailed, deep and wide? Now imagine, if you will, this same phenomenon taking place, when done correctly, 5 times over. The results are truely amazing, not a gimmick.

Not only that but the purpose of the five is to really perform like one! Lost you didn't I. You see, when the 5 have been setup and calibrated properly, it creates a 360 degree soundfield. This is just as if your hearing the instrument or voice in front of you (in its orginial intended placement) and the reverb, echo attack and decay, ect...all around you. As if the performance was taking place in the room with you.

I'm really starting to see that people don't understand what I and other are getting at. It can be a tough concept to grasp at first. Trust me it was tough for me too. But when someone with more experience and complete understanding took me through the process, it clicked. Then I was able to replicate this same thing myself...on my system. My system has its limitations, more than what my mentor's system had. But the same principles apply. The results were still similar. Similar enough to know I knew what I was doing.

I have a long ways to go, but I'm on the right track.
Phd - my humble appologies for becoming unglued. I'm the result of 3 years of ridicule by other 2ch audiophiles. If I read something that reminds me of what I went through with other, I have a tendency to become a bit abrasive. It was not intended for you...the post just brought back a few memories, thats all. Like everyone else, I truely respect your opinion and thank you for your insight.

IMHO, I think you may have given up on MC prematurely. Not that it was even your fault though. Few have the first hand understanding to be of any help. Many tend to be more of a hinderance then anything. I think if you gave it another shot, may be with a little help, you may consider coming back to MC.

You have your priorities though, so if expanding from your receiver isn't one of them, then go with what works for you.
Like 883dave put it, if it brings a smile to your face, then what does the median matter?

My focus should be to help educate, not deliberate. Thats what an audiophile SHOULD be all about, agree?