Picking a Tube integrated amp

Hey all. Trying to figure out my amp situation and am looking at a few integrated to upgrade to. 

I currently have a McIntosh integrated and want to move to tubes. I have the vivid v1.5speakers and a Clearaudio Concept. Looking at the following:

—Primaluna Dialogue premium or HP.
—Audio Research VSi60
—Octave v40SE

Question...does the AR still hold up? It’s likely it will be a used model, but curious if it’s still competing with the others I listed. Any others to consider?  


I've heard both and the Octave with the SBB beats it handily. A friend just got the v40SE with the simple BB and its spectacular.  I have the SBB and its worth the price difference.  Have fun!



I have no experience with Line Magnetic's customer service, but you certainly have that discussion with the Dealer, should you decide to purchase.