Pictures, More Pictures

I've got two ads running right now. Both have pictures and both have good descriptions. There have been many contacts but no questions other than "will you ship to Europe?".
There have been several contacts, however, requesting more pictures.
What gives? Are these people assembling scrapbooks?
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As a buyer, I don't like buying anything I can't see. The more I can see the better. It blows my mind when I see an ad with just a model number, no description of the items purpose (amp, etc.) not even a photo. As a seller I want to create the most interest and comfort level possible in the buyer. I try to take photos (I too find it hard to take good photos) that show as many sides as possible and any paraphernalia that goes with it: remote, manual, etc. A good ad ultimately saves time and will help it sell faster. But no matter what you do, as Usblues pointed out, when you put it out there, you have to be ready for a few chain yankers.
Sorry. I still don't get it. I mean I understand plainly that everyone wants pictures. I just don't understand the level of emphasis this want receives. You can see 6 gorgeous photos of a $4000 power amp only to find out, once you own it, that it doesn't work. You'll be getting what you were concerned about though. It will have no blemishes.
Or maybe you'll buy some stone gorgeous turntable with arm, cartridge, isolation platform and the seven most sought after tweaks, only to learn later that the seller sent you pictures of somebody else's turntable and headed for Lisbon.
You know, the funny thing in all this is that I have not received a photo request from Europe yet. They always open by asking if I would be willing to ship over there.
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