PL EVO 200 vs. Vincent 237MK

Was ready and able to pull the trigger on the Vincent SV 237MK when someone threw in the PL and said "shreds the Vincent" not sure what that means but it has me taking a look at the PL. Would need separate DAC but my have to eventually with the Vincent anyway. Powering SF Concertos but that is only for now not necessarily the long term so would like to future buy a bit. Any thoughts on the comparison are appreciated. 
primaluna is all tube unit whereas vincent is tube preamp stage then solid state ampification stage

thus PL will sound more romantic, softer/sweeter treble, have better imaging

vincent will have more powerful leaner sound, more shimmer and sizzle on top, more solid bass, image will be a little smaller, more shallow

which is better depends on what kind of music you like and what type of sound you prefer (leaner more solid with harder edge or softer focus more fullness around voices)
Thanks jjss49,
Well, looking for full rich sound, so tube, but still want to have the good lower end with some bang. Why I was looking at the Vincent in the first place. However, now that I'm looking at the PL someone suggested the Raven Nighthawk MK3, which a couple of reviews mention a solid bass without need of subwoofer so maybe a better choice at the same price point.  Any thoughts on the Raven Nighthawk, American made. 
for a tube amp primaluna's bass is excellent (my primaluna is an hp model, 4 power tubes per side, not quite so sure about the lesser ones with 2 tubes per side) ... i think only audio research is better at bass solidity, and then only slightly... they won't compare to what an ss amp does in that regard.   

also on tube primaluna tube amp you need to try the various output taps to find which gives you the best bass and transient capability

raven seems to have a small loyal following but i have never tried one