Plastic ring over tweeter opinion

I was looking at the Mapleshade Audio website and they recommend:

"Remove your speaker's cloth or foam grill. Snip off any plastic phase ring in front of the tweeter. You'll hear as much as a 100% improvement in treble."

I wonder what members think of this "tweek" seems rather irreversible.
PP: IMO you should have responded to me about the other thread *on* the other thread. But instead I guess you complained to Agon about it, because when I took the liberty of attempting to copy and paste the pertinent part of your response here over there, so I could reply to it in context, it wound up pending moderator approval. If and when they decide to post it there, I'll respond there, point by point. But sarcasm aside (and my degree of sarcasm was only inspired by and proportational to the overheatedness of Mr. Sprey's claims and rhetoric, which he still mails to me unsolicited from time to time), suffice it to say I stand by all of my criticisms, and do not feel anything you've said here refutes the substance of any of it.
I don't have any experience with removing waveguides from speakers, but I do know that the new waveguide on the Revel F52 has resulted in drastically improved integration between the treble and midrange as compared to the F50. Needless to say I won'tbe removing the waveguides from my speakers anytime soon.
One way to put the question is, although obviously there are very specific reasons for the phase rings, at what cost the benefit. The same may be asked of Pierre's suggestion. Again, a call to Pierre might shed some light more specifically. I just left a message on his machine.
Z, the other thread was quite old and I thought it relevent to this one, but, point taken. I certainly did not complain to Agon. Re: your last line, I don't get you, but I speak for the record and to those with ears to hear. As they say in AA, take what works for you and leave the rest. I thought your questions were good ones, just didn't llke the attitude.