It is the law and laws must be obeyed irrespective of whether they make any sense. Are many of these taxes reasonable or fair? they most certainly are not! For example, an item originating from the UK and sold in the US will have US import taxes and sales taxes applied to it. This same item if sold used to a Canadian will have import duties and all sales taxes applied all over again....double taxation!!!
Oh and is a complete farce. Americans apply protectionist taxes against many Canadian products (such as softwood lumber) and Canadians apply protectionist taxes against many American products (telecomms, banking, financial services, cars etc.)
The only things certain in life are death and taxes!
BTW....this will only get worse. The US has $1 trillion in debt...China has a seriously undervalued currency (Yuan) => more protectionism looks heavily on the cards!
Oh and is a complete farce. Americans apply protectionist taxes against many Canadian products (such as softwood lumber) and Canadians apply protectionist taxes against many American products (telecomms, banking, financial services, cars etc.)
The only things certain in life are death and taxes!
BTW....this will only get worse. The US has $1 trillion in debt...China has a seriously undervalued currency (Yuan) => more protectionism looks heavily on the cards!