Please find the excuses for me not to buy Stax 009S headphone

I may had got into rabbit hole of Headphone.

After getting Massdrop Empire Zeus IEm, I had been happy with its dynamics and nuanced details.

But after having gone back to my 2 channel system of Lansche 4.1 speaker driven by Line Magnetic 508 SET amplifier, I want more out of IEM.

My main system plays much more dynamic with deeper bass slam with deeper and more transparent soundstage.

After finding some good deal, I am about to pull the trigger for Stax 009 electrostatic headphone and KGSSHV Carbon amplifier for sizable sum of money.

Please find the excuses for me not to buy Stax 009S headphone.
Wow ESS 422H appears to be good value.

The problem is that I wish to get the end game product and be done with looking around it.

I sincerely want to have a break from hardware swapping binge and enjoy the music.
I pulled the trigger. It will be my end game headphone.

But I expect to receive it only after July 8th.

Carbon Amp Spec.

Notes about the build in no particular order: 450V supply, 20mA output current, TKD 4CP-601 volume pot, no servo, F&T 680uF PSU capacitors, german & japanese capacitors used throughout, XLR input & loopout, two pro bias stax outputs, same chassis as the DIYT2, dual primary toroid, heat blued steel knob. Weight is approx. 25lbs, LWH is about 16.5"x15.5"x4.5" (including the height of the caps).


Because you don't listen to headphones often enough to justify spending "...a whole lot of money..." on the Stax's. Heck, why would you even bother to listen to HPs when you've got that big rig at your disposal? Don't buckle to the temptation to buy "stuff" that'll spend most of its life just sitting there.
I feel the need for headphone during summertime.

With headphone, I could play music with windows open during daytime.

Here in Pacific NW, If I open the window, I do not need air conditioning even during daytime.

But I do not floor whole village with loud sound of my 2 channel system.

Also I can enjoy music with headphone while my wife is sleeping.

Thus I may split 60/40 between main 2 channel system and headphone.

I am getting old and deserve nice sound out of Stax 009S if I can afford.

Although Massdrop Zeus Iem is excellent, it has some limitation of transparency compared with my 2 channel system.

I hope Stax 009S will match the transparency of my main system.
Enjoy the Stax!  

I own the Stax L700 and love the sound.

The 009s should be even better.