Please help me with a Cary Audio tube question

I am the lucky owner of a pair of Cary Audio CAD 40M Signature Edition mono Amps. They have 2 EL34 tubes each and I am wondering if I can change this two for KT88 or even better KT90. I have ask Cary Audio without ant repond, hope someone here can help me!!!!
I am living in a country (Denmark in europe), where it is impossible to find other Cary Audio!!!!!
So if it doesn't need big changed, i would try KT 88/90 or if it need big changed I will keep the EL34
I have previously inquired about what I believe to be the same amplifiers as yours - with the same question. My concern was not having enough power to drive the speakers I was intending on in the future.

I called Cary directly(you should try), and was put in touch with a very helpful, courteous, and knowledgeable gentleman. He informed me that this was no problem. The only issue was to make sure to bias the amp correctly for the type of tube.
Why do you want to change tubes in your sweet sounding Cary´s?
In my opinion it´s one of the best compromises between transistor- and tubesound. I have a pair myself, and coldn´t dream of doing anything. They´re as perfekt as can be!
'Lucky'? I was looking for a tube amp that had any kind of reasonable specs (low distortion) and found the popular brands did not even come close.

To avoid distorting the source material beyond recognition through speakers with any kind of accuracy, <0.1% THD over a 5-50k frequency range is needed. The ATI line of SS amps for instance spec at <0.005%. I think the Cary line is pretty much 1-2% (at 20hz-20khz). You do the math.

You like a 'warm' soft sound? Put cotten in your ears. It will accomplish the same thing. Really.

'Supposedly, there exist a few triode amplifier designs of exceptional transparency. Usually their power output is below 20W and insufficient to drive most speakers' (Seigfried Linkwitz).

The very low distortion Hafler DH-200/220, Muse 160, ATI, (and Bry$ton or the really $$ Jeff Rowland) solid state designs start looking good about now.

You aren't a SS fan, are you?

To each their own. Some people like to put cotton in their ears. Keeps them from hearing diehard ss fan's endless preaching.

You do know that spec's are not the end all, don't you?
