Please help prevent mistake : Phone-Pre amp

Hello, I need suggestions on a nice phono pre used for about 200usd. I know thats tuff but I think there might be something decent. My main concern is BASS and plenty of it Making it sound Warm or TUBEY or whatever you like to call it. I know the cartridge will be important in this as well I will experiment, but once I purchase the phono pre I don't want to go back and forth to much. I am currently running a GRADO GOLD with a Audio research all tube Pre-amp but have never hooked in phono to the audio research obviously needing the PHONO PRE before I can do anything. THANKS GUYS & GIRLS.
Simple, easy and cheap Parasound P/PH 100 switchable mm/mc. Retail is about $129, used about $89.

Otherwise, I can get you a top of the line VINTAGE Denon phono pre.
I'll second the Parasound P/PH 100 suggestion, a real "giant killer" for the price. I had it and a Creek in the house at the same time and certainly didn't like the Creek better--if anything, the other way around. Someone knowledgeable just raved to me about a Musical Fidelity phono preamp. I didn't even know they made one, so can't say anything about it myself, but maybe you could find out more.