Please rate WATT/Puppy 7

How great is it?Is it musical? Classical music only. Lots of chamber.
I spent many hours listening to W/P7s on an all-tube setup (turntable, tube phono stage, tube preamp, tube monoblocks), and thought the combination sounded wonderful on good recordings, and brutal on mediocre recordings. When it came time to make my decision to buy, I had the dealer assemble the same equipment I have at home (tube phono stage, tube preamp, high-quality SS amp), and suddenly I couldn't stand the speakers anymore.

So, it seems to me that the people who are saying that the sound of the W/P7s are very equipment-dependent are spot-on.
Soundstage is a Wilson plus--they must have been setup incorrectly.

They may do things that some don't like, but the "wilson soundstage" has always been first rate.
Audio Goon: I auditioned them at a retailer who has carried the brand for quite sometime so I suspect the set up was fine. As I said b4, when driven by Spectrals which the retailer chose to do, they didn't sound involving at all ...but then again I agree that they may be good w/ tubes. Probably Audio Rsch is good match given the former's strengths will compliment....just a guess.
Interestingly, I had Spectral equipment when I purchased my WP7s and found the system precise but uninvolving, the antithesis of how they performed in several other, largely tube based systems. After much deliberation I settled on a tube pre-amp and amp that make for a salutary, highly involving combination with the WP7s in my system.