Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions

Apologize if this is redundant but the threads here all seem to recommend horn speakers for tube amps.


Legacy, Fyne, NMST, Zu just off the top of my head. If you are using tube amplification you want a speaker with stable impedance that doesn’t go below 4 ohms. Salks need power.

Thank you thus far.  FYI: Amp is MC275 VI.  I have Legacy Focus SEs being driving by MC611s in another system and love them.  Perhaps Legacy Signature but I need a smaller footprint for the speakers I want to drive with the MC275.  Also, my pre-amp is a McIntosh C2700.  Release the anti-McKraken!

Apologize if this is redundant but the threads here all seem to recommend horn speakers for tube amps.

HMMMM maybe there's a reason?

Since no price range was mentioned:
Arion Apollo 105db efficient AMT line array but are 4 ohm.