Please recommend used tonearm under $1K

longer than 9" preferable, to be used with an SP-10MK2 and Virtuoso MM cartridge. The tonearm does not have to be modern. In fact, something vintage that can be easy to source through here or eBay is fine.

I favor rock, so dynamics and slam are crucial. Good imaging and soundstage DEPTH are also important.

The bonus is if the arm keeps solid value because I eventually want to move up to the Trans-Fi T3.
What is the mass of the Lustre without headshell compared to the 9" 750? It is my impression that the 750 is less but couldn't find the definitive answer. I used the 801 many years ago and it was not among the top arms THEN, let alone now. Have you compared it to the Jelco? The OP wanted an arm longer than 9", the Jelco is one of the few that would fall in his price range. I intend to do the opposite, to put my Lustre headshells on the 750 to play around with some of my low compliance cartridges.I am aware of your very idiosyncratic views on the subject and don't care to get into a protracted debate over questions that involve opinion and taste.
Dear Stanwal: +++++ " protracted debate over questions that involve opinion and taste " +++++

come on, don't you read some of the Lustre characteristics? do you know how name it?: D E S I G N .

If you don't have on hand the Lustre you can't speak about, buy the one on the link and try it and then comeback. Btw, I owned several Jelco and Jelco OEM tonearms, nothing wrong with them but the Lustre is on a way different quality level.
Please tell me 2-3 vintage or today tonearms that outperform it not because you " imagine " that but because you already test them against the Lustre.

I respect you but seems to me that you don't know what you are talking about.

Applebook, needs help not a useless controversy where you have no real and precise today evidence about.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul, anytime you would like me to offer YOU unsolicited advice on your system I will be glad to do so. You seem to think your opinion is the only thing that counts and that the oftener you repeat your fantasies the more true they become.Whenever anyone says anything you disagree with you attack them personally. You respect me but think I am ignorant; strangely, that mirrors my attude about you except for the respect part. A cursory look at the literature will reveal very few who agree with you, I have know almost no one in the last 25 years who used a MM cartridge in preference to MC. I suppose companies like Ortofon that make both are lying to their customers when they say that their MCs are their best cartridges. I could refure you to contemporary tests of the Lustre and some other arms you admire done by blind listening panels but your mind is made up. YOU gave NO evidence whatsoever to refute anything I said except to express your opinion. You are welcome to yours and I will continue to express mine, I am sorry that this appears to make you uncomfortable. I addressed the OP , not you and said that while I liked the Lustre I would buy the Jelco. I am sorry that you feel I have no right to my opinion, but as he wanted a 12" arm I don't see how the Lustre is a better choice, unless it has grown since I had one. Have you owned one of the 12" 750s? If so what was wrong with it?
Don't stuff around and go side way, for a bit more just go for the T3Pro. You won't regret it. I have the Jelco 750L( good value for new arm and for SPU /Denon 103),Phantom ii, Micro MA505mk3, FR64FX, etc, on various turntables but I think T3Pro is simply fabulous once dialled in and provides fantastic value.
Very dynamic, fine resolution, open and big sound. And the maker Vic is great to deal with and helpful post sell.
Dear Stanwal: +++++ " Whenever anyone says anything you disagree with you attack them personally " +++++

No, the point is that seems to me that you try to diminish what not only is very good tonearm design ( even by today standards. ) but one that has very good build quality and perfromance, that's all.

About the MM/MC cartridge subject this is not the place to talk about, there is a 2,000+ posts thread where you can read several other opinions about like this one from Halcro:

Btw, Nandric agree in this thread with what I posted: thank you Nandric, I agree too on the Technics EPA-100.

Regards and enjoy the music,