Please tutor me on some integrated amp basics.

I’ve recently purchased Magico A3 speakers and a VPI Classic 2 SE turntable with an Ortofon Black 2M moving magnet cartridge. I have a Marantz SA 8005 CD/SACD player to play the few (maybe a hundred or so) CD’s in my possession.
I’ve mostly vinyl albums and no streaming sources. I’m next going to upgrade my old amp/preamp purchased back in the late 70’s with a new, probably integrated, one and am starting to do some research.

Here’s where I need some tutoring. A lot has changed since the seventies with the advent of digital technology. As well as I need to learn more about amplification components in the high end of audio technology. I keep running across terms I don’t understand. I’ll give you a list and if someone would be kind enough to explain these basics I’d be obliged.

For instance I was reading about the Hegel H360 integrated amp that Magico’s Alon Wolf recommended for their A3’s. The review mentioned they were a Class A/B amp, another person commented Class A’s were better, and a third person said he didn’t care for Class D amps. What do these classes signify? 

A second question is about DACs. I generally understand their purpose of the DAC, converting a digital to an analog signal. However my only digital device, the Marantz SA 8005 already has a DAC, ostensibly of good quality. The turntable ’s Ortofon cartridge would not need to play through a DAC, I presume. Would I bypass the CD’s players DAC if I purchase the higher quality Hegel H360 integrated amp?. Or could I find an equivalent integrated amp without an integral DAC?

On the other side of the equation I understand the turntable’s cartridge cannot play through the Hegel without first going through a phono stage. My old Phase Linear 4000 preamp you just plugged the turntables RCA cables into the back of the preamp and you were done. What’s that about? Do they make equivalent integrated amps to the Hegel H360 with integrated phono stages already in place, so I can just plug my turntable in as I’ve been able to do before. The amps don’t seem to be well integrated at all if you have to add a pricey phono stage to make them work, and end up having an extra DAC. That’s just me whining.

Third question is what are monoblocks, how are they used, and what are their advantages to a system? They were used at one of my speaker auditions.

I figured out the answer to what amplifier damping was myself, so I’m sparing you that one, but what does the term impedance mean? I keep coming across that.

Thank goodness I don’t have to figure out the cabling nightmare yet. Thanks for any help.


You might have noticed that, when it comes to cables, there are two large groups.

One considers cables as a Heaven's answer to, more or less, everything although, once you read their reports, they are really using them as tone controls. It may not be that bad of an idea for those who do not own your amplifier. Your set-up is simpler to manage, though.

Second group does not believe in absolutely anything that has anything to do with cables. They barely accept that cables transmit signal, it seems, and stop short of claiming that wire hangers are just fine.

These two groups are two parallel worlds that, on occasions, throw all the verbal ammunition they have at each other. Not much to learn there. You will read some of the statements in disbelief.

You seem to be the kind that will end up in the third, probably the smallest, group which believes there may be something to cables but does not believe they are all that matters and leaves mind open that either group may actually have some point. We will see where you settle.

I am in that third group, probably because I do not have particular enjoyment constantly chasing some sound, etc. My balanced (XLR)interconnects are Shunyata Venom. They are the cheapest that Shunyata makes. The main reason for choosing them was that they look like they mean business while being the least expensive out there. They replaced some much cheaper ($15-20) cables. I have had them for months so, if the burn-in actually exists, it should be settled. The difference in sound is about none. If Spanish Inquisition knocked on my door and I really had to pick one, I would probably have to admit that cheaper ones are slightly better. Someone might say that it depends on matching, but someone else may say it is not the case.

My speaker cables are Monster from 1994 ($30 for more length than I have ever needed). I have never directly compared them to anything else so I cannot comment much. Still, they must be transmitting the signal as I have noticed differences when changing any other component. I am following these threads to get some idea and google whatever people mention until I get to some cable that fulfills my criteria (pleasing to the eye, available in the length I need, and works/transmits signal). No luck so far although Zavfino cables came close. They even say they offer different lengths but it is not that clear how to order it.

It may not matter to you, but it is worth mentioning that some of the more expensive cables are not that flexible. It may become a bit of a practical issue, in case you have some angles or tighter places to navigate them through. Luckily, many seem to be so thin that I wonder where the wire actually is.

You bought Magicos because you liked their sound there. Why don't you ask what cables they used during your demo? If cables actually do make a difference, those are the cables you want. If they are within your price range, it is the end of the cable road for you and you can consider yourself lucky.
There is yet another group. People who consider cables components, and they are components, and have good enough hearing.
Just because Magico shows with certain cables does not necessarily mean that they will be best for any application. Besides, it's business, and it has many aspects.

True, some think of cables as components, which they, just like anything in the signal path, practically are. Still, it comes to those who believe they can achieve some impact with them as opposed to the first group who thinks that cables are just, more or less, inert wire. Considering cables as components is much better description of the second group I mentioned. I would not dismiss hearing of people in any of the groups just because they do not agree with what I hear.

My suggestion for skyscraper’s cables was not about what Magico demos speakers with, but rather what he heard the speakers he liked with. The test was done and it would be the simplest way to get as close as he wanted to what he liked. After a long search, and it seems it would be an inconvenient one for him given the location, he may find something even better but he said he has only 40 years to accomplish it so time is also of concern when looking for the best cable for his situation. Following all the instructions from the cable experts, he would need a few months of burn-in, or additional expense of burn-in equipment, for each cable and he would need to try many. By the time he tries cable # 106, memory of cable #66 will be long gone.

 Of course, playing with these things is valuable, too. What else would a man spend his energy on than searching for the Holy Grail of cables for the rest of his life. And just when he finds it, a few years from now, capacitors in his amplifier will change just slightly so and match from Heaven will not be match from Heaven anymore.
For the googlth time, source to speakers in a room is a system.

Using the same cables as a store demo is no guarantee.

For example, if every component on demo is laid back, the cables may be ear-bleeders in another system with still great, but more aggressive components.