Plinius or Mark Levinson for Grand Pianos?

Which one will yield better results with the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Concerto, the Plinius SA-100 MKIII or the Mark Levinson No. 27?

Currently running ARC D130 and found it lacked power to drive the GP's. Looking for more a more detailed and dynamic sound. I personally lean towards the Plinius but was afraid the 100W wouldn't be too sufficient to drive the GP's to optimum since the 130W ARC D130 didn't have the power either.

Any comments appreciated.
I have heard the ARC often in that they are built and pushed heavly in Minnesota. I do not like them! I own two Plinius SA-102's and ownd the 100's before that. You will be very happy with the upgrade. If you find you need (want) more power you might find a second one later at a good price. Rather than bridged mono blocks I bi-amp in stereo. One amp drives the bass and the other the mid-upper. I started with just one amp and was very happy, but when a friend brought by a second to try...
If you have a chance to audition an Edge M8 do so. It is 175 wpc x 2 and is a wonderful sounding amp. Smooth, detailed amd dynamic. They do come up used on Audiogon for $2500 - $3000 and are worth a look. I personally have an M8 and love it driving Energy Veritas 2.8's.
I am very happy with my Sa102 on my SF Cremonas , no need for more power, no need for 2 sa102, unless Cremona needs less power than Grandpianos, I don't think so.

What is your preamp ?
This is something you must check out first.
I am an ARC fan and I have owned the D-130. When compared to the ARC 100.2, the D-130 sounded lifeless. Either the 100.2 is really really good, or the D-130 is really lackluster. Just my two cents.....

Well Kops I don't have a preamp at the moment and currently running the amp straight into my XA7ES CD player. Will get a preamp once I get the Plinius SA100MkIII. Yet to sort out that one. My room is pretty huge so I need the power but will soon place my system in a smaller room to eradicate the problem.

At least now I know I'm not the only one who felt that the ARC D130 sounded lifeless. That's good. Now I can expect some improvements in my upgrade. I've nothing against ARC and I do know the 100.2 is a great amp, but I wanted to try something different and furthermore the aesthetics of the Plinius is very appealing to me.