Plinth to armboard interface Garrard 301 plinth

I’m re-doing some things on my Garrard 301, adding another arm board and redoing the current one. was wondering what people are using if anything for interface between the arm board wood and plinth wood. I could also use a metal for the arm board if that’s better.

I was using a small bead of blue tack (ok the stuff i got is white but the same idea) between the arm board and plinth for a more even connection and maybe some isolation, then screws. Some one mentioned its better to have a more solid connection. I have though about a hard rubber maybe as a gasket type of idea, or should I just screw it down wood on wood. metal on wood etc.

Has anyone experimented with this? 

I’m surious what are you gonna use under the plinth ?
I’ve seen stillpoints under the most expensive Garrard 301 plinth.

Recently i’ve been looking for comments regarding Audio-Technica AT616 Pneumatic Insulators and i foung this on audiogon:

"I have Audio Technica AT616 under my Garrard 301 with pretty good success." @normansizemore

Personally i’ve been using AT616 under Direct Drive tunrtable, these Pnaumatic Insulators supports up to 132lbs (60kg). I was wondering about the weight of Garrard plinth, but now i see your plinth is 130lbs.

So i can recommend Pneumatic Insulators AT616, they are superb and fully andjustable to level your TT!

P.S. Most people use them under technics or under technics obsidian plinth as i can see:

"My experience with the AT616’s beneath a nude Technics SP10 Mk2 found improved performance, particularly in the areas of timbre and detail retrieval. This means that you will more clearly be able to distinguish instruments (such as a viola and violin and a wider range of percussive instruments). It also means that the retrieval of inner detail with instruments such as various guitars, double bass and piano are much improved." @dgob

I think it is very important (for any turntable) what's under the plinth. 
The best thing by far to use under a nice massive stiff table like yours is a set of Black Diamond Racing Cones screwed into Those Things screwed into the base. They are standard 1/4-20 threads making it easy to swap in case you want to compare and see just how much better they are than, well anything you care to try. It will look something like this
I've had good luck with my 6" layered MDF plinth, Solid Purpleheart slabs, using 1" face board, 3/8" Purpleheart top and side plates, for my Garrard 401/Denon 103R. Purpleheart arm board is solidly affixed to the plinth using stainless allen screws.

The whole assembly is around 70lbs. It has Edensound Bear Paw brass footers (@6 lbs. ea.) on a Brightstar Audio BigRock 2, sitting on a wall-mount stand. It has been very rewarding to listen to since I finished it a couple of years ago.



The best thing by far to use under a nice massive stiff table like yours is a set of Black Diamond Racing Cones screwed into Those Things screwed into the base.

I believe you tried everything to say the simple cones are the best? 
But this is what everyone has by default, normally

Do you understand what is preumatic insulators such as AT616
I don't know about any similar product on the market

Even Raul has been using them under his subwoofers (good idea) where the cones are most common solution. 

Actually the cones are what we would like to replace with a better things such as Pneumatic AT616 or something different like Stillpoints for improvement. 


What do you mean, "the simple cones are the best?"
Where did you get that?