Howard - She'll get over it when she hears the improved soundstage. I'll bring the demoltion bar and Sawzall!
I'll heartily second Howard's recomendation for Khorns over LaScala's if you have the corners/space to make'em work (and if you don't I can always lend you a demolition bar). They're everything the LaScala is, and a whole lot of well-integrated bass, for a good swift kick in the low-end. Not quite as tight and clean as the mids (but that'd be a tall order given how fast those horns are), but it's there in spades and integrates quite well in spite of it.
I'll heartily second Howard's recomendation for Khorns over LaScala's if you have the corners/space to make'em work (and if you don't I can always lend you a demolition bar). They're everything the LaScala is, and a whole lot of well-integrated bass, for a good swift kick in the low-end. Not quite as tight and clean as the mids (but that'd be a tall order given how fast those horns are), but it's there in spades and integrates quite well in spite of it.