lall's ranking of these receptacles is a bit odd:
My overall ranking based on the above tests are as follows:-
1. Cabledyne Cryoed Hubbell 5362
2. Hubbell 8300 (non cryo) – old stock all copper version
3. Porter Ports
4. Legrand
5. FIM Gold 880"
lall visually verified that the Porter Port was identical to the Hubbell 8300H with the same copper backstrap. A bit shocking that the non cryo'd Hubbell beat the cryo'd one!
I've got a couple vintage stock Hubbell 5362s in my system and intend to get some vintage 8200Hs shortly (identical to 8300H except not a true 20 amp connector as the extra clip deleted.) I've got to up my boutique outlet game a bit as I have 8 dedicated lines, but other than a variety of Hubbells, just a lone Maestro outlet. I'd like to get the Cabledynes, but limited to 2 at $35 each plus $10 shipping ($80 for 2). Up from $25 per unit to $45 now; the price of fame.