portishead, goldfrapp, looking for more ......

I am looking for female vocals that are warm smooth and sexy coupled with electronic music like portishead and goldfrapp. Does anyone have any recommendations? thanks for the help
Good stuff so far, but why hasn't anyone mentioned Delerium? Their 4 most recent albums are incredible-Great hi fi demos to boot! Kind of dark for some though. I will second Massive Attack-anything by them is great. Some others not mentioned: Soma Sonic, Everything but the Girl, Dido/ Faithless, Newer Madonna, Mouth Music .....Among others. I hope this thread keeps going as I would too want to come across more of this lucious music!!
wow two months and my post is still going strong thanks for all the suggestion and I will add to my own list HALOU just out and its really nice.
Well... there is something beyond Portishead... The Portishead is just brought to the public ear. Not like Roedelius. Getting high guarranteed with no drug.