Power Amp for newbie

I'm a recent convert to the realm of quality audio. I've miles to go before I sleep, but I need advice on an amplifier for under $800. I have a pair of Alon Petites, acurus CD-11, and acurus R-11 for my current gear. Any thoughts?
HI Thump Looks like a Acurus A200 might be your answer. You will have the synergy you need with your other Acurus gear. Check around I'm sure there is one on this site. BTW you might want to look for a used Aragon 2004 or 4004 amp. A lot better sonics with the Petites you have. Best of luck.
Nothing wrong with Acurus for the price. There is a Creek A52SE amp for sale from a dealer on this site for $650. List is over $1K. It got great reviews in HiFi Choice Magazine. Creek is classic "British" sound. Mike Creek designed the wonder Cambridge Audio A3i amp and decent T500 Tuner.
The Rogue 88 is a great piece of gear for the money.800/1000 used gets you one.You can do better but more lickly to do worse in that price range.