And the blind man yelled, "The caps are drying out. The caps are drying out."
Ha ha, Finally a "decent", conversation on the subject.
But again, many seem happy simply to put two cents in.
And some are worth more!
Heaudio? .....So you've designed electrical equipment and brought it to market?
It was "UL" approved and then of course, "UL-rated? But alas,"You", did not think to have any IR limiting of any type. Added for any correction or means of protection? Well, since that really doesn't mean anything. Like your words stating that I am wrong about this. Which don't mean much either....since....
Actually?, The odds are quite high that you "Did", in fact design IR limiting into whatever you are fooling with and bringing to market. "Knowingly OR not! If the electrical device or system followed the NEC, and any other appropriate, local authorities and their addendum, "If any". And you worked utilizing the approved guidelines, materials. Tables and math, governing electrical devices, with the same intent. And the installation and "use of". In the, "Plan, build, use. Glossary and Index." sections were also utilized with an good understanding of the NEC's, "Intent". All in accordance with the currently, "Adopted", version of the NEC?
Then you did. Because "We" did. Otherwise it's a bit hard to get anything "UL rated"...….
Like the guy whom invented sand? I don't believe he designed in all of "sands" insulating properties necessarily on purpose . But since he followed basic "Physics", in the design phase of said, "sand"?
Sand now, "has", insulative properties.....
Just sayin....
Also, a bus fuse, "As in ANY bus fuse". Is not IR limiting?
I guess they are just wasting our time with the fact that they ALL have an precise "IR value", at which point they fail. (Always listed in the device, "properties"), huh?
Which is why I have used them in designs as "Temp. emergency, "IR" breaks" in switchgear systems during emergencies.
Also, the reason for many electrical components in a system being de-rated during design is usually for use as a "Safety Factor". Typically calculated as a proportion. These tended to be, "Pre-60's-80's". Always a minimum of 1:4- 1:5. Dependent on the quality of the product line, name and reputation etc. "These days, if used at all"? " I'll notice a percentage in de-rating specs.…."
Many really do not even know or realize. That any such animal ever existed. "The safety factor as it once was". "Kinda like the declared IR value of a fuse. And it's significance in relation to a specific electrical device or system in part OR it's entirety.