Power conditioner

Anyone know the difference between a line filter/conditioner vs a line isolator. Is there a difference. Is it a large difference is minimal.
How do you know if this interference even exist? I really am not sure if I have this problem or not. The circuit is dedicated so I would like to think lighting and other exterior sources are probably not generating it? I'm using a Furman power conditioner for the pre, cd, DAC etc. No amps tho, their plugged into the wall. I'm using hospital grade receptacles and bought high end cables. The reason I'm asking the original question is because someone was trying to sell me one saying they would widen my soundstage, give it more depth and also give my system that airy sound. It already sounds pretty awesome but I'm always looking for improvement in this crazy hobby.
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Stop wasting your money this Balanced isolation unit does it all 
Your music will never be better especially st these prices .
A 15smp unit if you get s discount around $1500,  the 1200 model around $1200
