Power conditioner question

Hi All,

Has anyone ever noticed how much better their system sounds in the wee hours of the night (or early morning). I don't know what it is, but I can't explain it. I wish I could have the same sound quality in the middle of the afternoon when the house is quiet. I can't put my finger on it, but in a house that is silent in the afternoon, my system to me, just sounds better when it is equally silent at night. I hope this isn't a physchological thing. I was wondering if maybe the line noise from my neighbors could be the issue, or maybe there are more people using the power circuit in the afternoon and putting all kinds of noise on it. Does anyone know anything about this? Does anyone out there think a power conditioner can give me the same quality of sound that I receive at night in the afternoon, on account of the fact that the line would be "cleaner"? Has anyone ever tried this?

Thanks in advanced
It would be interesting if any electro-freaks here would check their voltage with an oscilloscope or spectrum analyzer at various times of day/night. I believe that you will notice that the power is definitely cleaner in the "wee hours". The psychological explanation also causes a "better sound at night". I also have noticed that my hearing tends to be more sensitive to volume in the morning, shortly after waking. My car stereo's volume was always set lower driving to work, and MUCH louder in the afternoon. I also believe (no proof; just speculation) that the Fletcher-Munson curve (your hearing's sensitivity to various frequencies) will change from morning to night.
Labtec -- I wrote, "though it seems as quiet in the afternoon, there has to be less white noise at night." So, I agree with you.
A good power conditoner's goal is to get you that quiet, clean, evening electric all day, everyday. My Audio Magic Matrix does it perfectly. The Audio Magic Stealth, which I owned before the Matirx, did it as well. The Matrix is a Stealth on steroids. There's a Mini Stealth on the 'gon as we speak. Great price. Go for it. Don't like it? You can sell it back for the same price. You won't. peace, warren